Crazy things happen when you have a three-year old boy under your roof. Almost every day, I find myself saying (or shouting) things I never ever thought I would say.
For instance….
The other day, I looked outside and saw my son, scooping dog poo with a plastic shovel, transferring it into a sand pail, and piling it on the back of our black lab, Bubba. Who just stood there, wet nose turned up to the sun as if he were getting a really great massage.
I promptly opened the screen door and yelled (loud enough for the neighbors to hear), “Brogan, stop dumping poop on the dog!”
And then there was last week.
Brogan’s become a little obsessed with chests. Female chests, to be more precise.
We were at the doctor’s office the other day when out of nowhere, he started pushing on mine. I kept moving his hands away, giving him those slightly psychotic mommy looks mothers are so good at giving when their children misbehave in public places, hoping the doctor wouldn’t notice. He’s an older fellow who wears a bow tie.
Anyway, I’m getting totally embarrassed, trying to have a conversation with a medical professional, when Brogan pushes on my chest again and says, quite loudly, “What do you have in there?”
Oh. My. Goodness.
A paper bag would have been nice right about then.
Needless to say, the boy and I had some words on the car ride home.
Let’s Talk: What weird or embarrassing things have your children done? What’s something you’ve said as a parent that you never imagined would come out of your mouth?
In other news, I’m holding a contest on my Facebook author page. Help me pick a name for my hero in Wishing on Willows (releases March, 2013) and you could win some books from my publisher!
I’m a guest on Carrie Daws blog today and I’m talking about Changing Friendships, a pertinent theme in Wildflowers from Winter. I’d love it if you’d stop over and say hi!