Here they are – the two ducks that have been wandering around our neighborhood for the past week. (disclaimer: these two ducks are not the exact same ducks, but the resemblance is uncanny). I refer to them as Mr. and Mrs. Duck. Creative, I know. I imagine they are very much like those elderly couples you see holding hands and taking walks very early in the morning. I think they are in love.
My husband and I first spotted them in our neighbor’s yard, pacing the fence line, as if they wanted to get into our yard. But before they could do too much exploring, we let our dog, Bubba, outside (he was whining at the door). He ran to the fence and chased them away.
The very next day, we spotted them again, meandering on the street behind ours. And this morning they were in our front yard. Right now as I type this, they are across the street. They waddle from yard to yard, side by side, and I’ve grown quite fond of them. Ryan decided to put some bread on our front lawn. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Duck will have a little dinner date outside our window.
The other day, Mr. Duck was standing in a puddle on the side of the road while Mrs. Duck watched. I imagined their conversation going something like this:
Mrs. Duck: Dear, you do know that’s just a puddle, don’t you?
Mr. Duck: But it’s delightful! Look, my feet are wet.
Mrs. Duck would probably have no response for this. She probably would just blink several times and let Mr. Duck amuse himself.
Maybe I should write a children’s story about Mr. and Mrs. Duck. Oh wow, that would be a horrible idea. I have ideas for other kid’s books though. I thought of a whole series once about animals that were afraid of things they shouldn’t be. Like a bird who’s afraid of heights. Or a raccoon who’s afraid of the dark. Or a snake who’s afraid of mice. Or a worm who’s claustrophobic. Isn’t that sort of cute? What other ones could there be?
I got up at 3:30 AM this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep. So I just stayed up and started writing. Can you tell I am currently sleep deprived? Who blogs about ducks, anyway?
Question to ponder: Have you ever thought of writing a children’s book? If so, what would it be about?