Before I get all deep and serious into the nuts and bolts of writing (my Dwight Swain’s posts), I thought I’d post something a little fun today. My top ten selfish, semi-silly wishes. These have nothing to do with world peace, or ending world hunger, although I assure you, if given the choice between these wishes and a cure for AIDS, the latter would win out.
My Top Ten Selfish, Semi-Silly Wishes
1. I wish I could eat anything I wanted and never gain weight. Cinnabon, anyone?
2. I wish I could take away Bubba’s elbow displasia. He’s only 5 the poor fella is already limping around. It honestly tears my heart out.
3. I wish I could apparate like the wizards in Harry Potter. You know how much gas money I could save?
4. I wish I didn’t need sleep. Do you know how much I could accomplish with seven more hours in my day?
5. I wish I could have my own personal hair-player…I don’t think these exist. But instead of a person masseuse, I’d like a person to play with my hair every night before I go to bed.
6. I wish I could sing like Aretha.
7. I wish someone would invent a microchip that I could put into my brain and transfer information. Sort of like how you can click and drag files from your desktop to a folder. Only I could click and drag any information I wanted in the entire universe into my brain. Research would be easy-smeasy!
8. I wish I could win an all-expense paid, one month vacation backpacking through Europe with my hubby.
9. I wish I had unlimited funding to pour into my writing career. I could hire an editor. I could take classes and workshops. I could apparate (see wish # 3) to various writing conferences. Etc. etc.
10. I wish I could hire a technology expert and make my website the coolest website ever.
Question to Ponder: What is one of your selfish, semi-silly wishes?