I’m reading Numbers in the Bible and I have a deep admiration for Joshua and Caleb. Talk about two men who trusted in God completely. I want my faith to look like theirs.
I’m getting into more of a routine. The second week of school wasn’t as tiring as the first. I’m hoping the trend continues. Missing Brogan will never go away, but our daycare provider sends pictures and videos via email, which makes being away from him easier. And the fact that he’s only two minutes from my school helps a lot too.
I had Curriculum and Information Night last night with my students’ parents. It went very well, but I didn’t get home until 8:30 PM. I’m very thankful it’s Friday. I’m tired.
Getting my pitch ready for the ACFW conference, which is in *gulp* three and a half weeks.
Ryan’s back hurts. Not a good thing for his line of work
I had a major breakthrough with my outline for Wishing on Willows. Things are jelling. Things are flowing. It’s the BEST feeling!
I ordered Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook off Amazon two days ago and it came in the mail today. Talk about timely service. I’m very eager to start working through it and to share what I’ve learned.
Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations on this sleepy Friday morning?