One of my friends found out on Sunday that her husband of seven years had been having an affair for two months. You can imagine what’s she’s going through at the moment. She has started an anonymous blog called Shards of a Broken Life where she’s journaling about her experience. She has decided to journal publicly because she’s asking for prayer. Prayer that God might restore her marriage and get her through this. This is a great opportunity to minister to a wonderful woman who is feeling very broken at the moment. If you have time, please consider stopping by her blog and offering prayers and encouragement.
The Doritos in my cupboard are stale. Tragic, right?
I’m slowly starting to wean my ten-month old son. Pumping three times a day while I’m at the conference in Denver doesn’t sound too time-efficient. I’m sad. How is he already ten-months old? Yesterday he was hiccuping inside my womb, today he’s learning to drink out of a sippy cup, and tomorrow he’ll be off to college.
Brogan has turned this major corner when it comes to eating solid food. It was just like WHAM, I love everything now, Mom. Avocados, cottage cheese, fruits, veggies, you name it. We cut them all up and feed them to him while we eat dinner. He scarfs it all down like a champ. The only thing he doesn’t like is juice. He makes a ridiculously hilarious face when we try to sneak juice in his cup. Who doesn’t like juice, anyway?
I’m feeling more confident (and overly excited) for the conference, which I will leave for in a little less than three weeks!
Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations on this cool, rainy Friday morning?