3 C’s – It’s Friday!

My story is all fuzzy. I’m much too close to it at the moment. I have 100 pages to edit/revise before sending it off to a couple agents and an editor, and I can’t tell if it’s good or if it’s crap.

Some people talk about “coming out of the closet” as a writer. Well, I spilled the beans to my entire fifth grade class. Their two big questions were: Are you going to be famous? and Can you read us your books? To which my answer was: No and No.

The waiting game. I’ve heard people talk about this. About how hard it is to wait. I finally understand what they are talking about. I’ve yet to send my stuff in and already I’m getting antsy!

Getting my manuscript as polished as it can be so I can start submitting (hopefully next week).

Brogan started clapping last night. You might not think this is a big deal, and in the grand scheme of things, I’m sure it’s not. But you have no idea how proud I was watching him slap his cute little palms together. He looked so darned pleased with himself.

I’m feeling confident lately. Not arrogant or prideful, just confident. Even though Beneath a Velvet Sky (the book I’ll be submitting very soon) might not be THE one, I am confident that I have the chops to write, and that sooner or later, I’ll produce a book that is.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?

A New Idea:
You know how on Twitter, people do that Follow Friday thing? Well, in the spirit of Follow Friday, I thought I might suggest a blog to follow on Fridays. Usually, I will highlight the blog under my Cares, but since this is the first week, I thought I’d give it it’s own category.

The blog I’ve chosen this Friday is What I Learned Today, by Billy Coffey. I’m willing to bet most of my followers already know this blog, but I’m going to highlight it anyway. Billy’s blog is a new discovery for me and it’s deep, insightful, thought-provoking, and highly recommended.removetweetmeme

Wanting What We Can’t Have

Lately, my son has grown fond of the word No. He loves that little word. To hear it, he’ll crawl up to things (like electrical cords) and touch them, waiting for me to say it. When I do, he pulls his pudgy hand away, gives me his gap-toothed smile, and reaches for it again. There’s something so tempting about reaching for those things that are off limits. The word No fascinates him. He tries his very best to get us to say it, to test his boundaries, to see what will happen if he disobeys.

I was thinking the other night how similar I am to my son. I’ve been reading Tosca Lee’s, Havah, which is a story about Eve. It’s made me examine Eve’s story closer than I ever have before. The fall of man is a fascinating topic. Tosca does such a good job setting it up. How wonderful and glorious is the garden! God created it for them – a special, perfect place where God’s presence permeates everything. Nothing is off limits. Except for that tree. That tempting, fruit-filled tree. And what do you think Eve focuses on? Not the abundant blessings, but on the one and only thing that is forbidden.

I’m not going to try and tease apart this aspect of humanity. I’m not going to psychoanalyze it. I just thought I’d bring it up for brain fodder.

Question to Ponder: What do you think it is that attracts us to the forbidden?removetweetmeme

Fast Forward through the ACFW Conference

I arrive Wednesday night and get to meet my roommates, one of which is Jeannie Campbell, my critique partner.

Thursday is spent with Donald Maass. At one point during the workshop, he starts asking for volunteers to read bits of their writing out loud to all 300 participants! I admire the three people who volunteer their work and allow it to be critiqued by not only one of the most successful agents in the industry, but all 300 participants as well! Me? I hide under my table.

Thursday night I listen to Debbie Macomber give one of the most inspirational speeches about writing that I’ve ever heard. She says, “Dream big!”, “Be confident!”, “Be passionate!”, “Believe in yourself!” and “Always think positive!”

Afterward, I go to Abingdon’s late night chat. Helpful tip: If you want to submit to Abingdon, wait until the spring. They’re currently all filled up.

Friday morning I have my first ever editor appointment. It goes really well.

The rest of the day is workshops, workshops, workshops, wherein my brain turns to mush. I think Donald Maass filled it all up on Thursday.

Friday evening I get a professional critique from Mary DeMuth. Very helpful and encouraging!

I spend Friday night with Jeannie and Eileen….I won’t go into detail. I’ll just say, I’m glad we are there together!

Then I’m off to the late night chat with Wordserve Literary, where I learn that Greg Johnson and Rachelle Gardner are two very classy agents.

Saturday….uh….I skip all my workshops. But I do volunteer as a time keeper for agent/editor appointments and get to meet some really cool people in the process. Also, God provides an unexpected opportunity to meet with an agent. Totally unplanned. That meeting also goes really well.

Saturday afternoon, I have my second…err, third…editor/agent appointment. Three for three. Only this one has a little caveat…a very helpful little caveat.

I get my books signed by some super talented authors, like Betsy St. Amant, Harry Kraus, Tosca Lee (I just started her book…the woman is an artist), Mary DeMuth. I meet Julie Lessman, Deb Raney, Roxanne Henke, and more.

Saturday night we get all prettied up and go to the banquet, where I sit with a bunch of my blogging friends and laugh my head off. Fun times!

Sunday, my alarm goes off at an insane hour and I travel home. No delays. Just a straight shot home, where I kiss my husband and hug my son for the next five hours (or maybe six).

In a nutshell: I met some of the coolest people in the world. I learned more than I can process. God encouraged, inspired, and affirmed me as a writer. I always said I would use this conference as the spring board for querying. So here I go….I’m jumping off the high dive, putting myself out there, and trusting God to take care of the rest.

Challenge: Write a list of five “impossible” goals. Now go read Ephesians 3:20 and give them to God. Don’t be afraid to dream big!

Question to Ponder: What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself lately?
