1. Check email every five minutes.
2. Stare at laptop, thinking, “Maybe I should check my email.”
3. Read through the first page of EVERY book on your bookshelf to see if the first page of your manuscript can compete.
4. Cyber-stalk any agents and/or editors you submitted your work to.
5. Open up the emails you ALREADY sent to the agents and editors to make sure there aren’t any mistakes (this serves absolutely no purpose, since the email’s already been sent).
6. Open up the emails you already sent to the agent/editors to make sure you sent them to the right address.
7. Drink caffeinated beverages. This does nothing to alleviate the erratic state of mind that comes with waiting.
8. Eat half a pan of brownies. This also does nothing to alleviate the erratic state of mind that comes with waiting.
9. Wish pieces of your life away….this is very sad. Time is priceless. We can’t get it back.
10. Do nothing. Just sit and think things like, “I wonder if so-and-so has opened my email yet.” Or, “How do I know my email didn’t get shuffled to the spam folder?”
Not that I’ve done any of these. Of course not….
Please join me on Wednesday, when I discuss healthy ways to pass the waiting.
Question to Ponder: What are some unhealthy habits you’ve developed while waiting for your dreams to come true?