“Celebrations aren’t limited to agent representations or book contracts. Celebrate those milestones along the way.”
Lisa Jordan, wrote this in a very encouraging blog post last Friday.
Her words really resonated with me. I mean, really-really.
Because there are so many things to celebrate as we travel this crazy journey, yet we tend to downplay them. So many things that are just as important and just as beautiful as getting a call from an agent, or signing a book contract.
Pursuing publication is not for the faint of heart. It’s a long and often arduous road, filled with doubt, unmet expectations, rejection, and waiting. And because of that, we can’t afford to skip over any of the celebration.
So celebrate.
When you type the first page of a story? Celebrate! You just began an amazing, amazing journey that will build your character in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.
When you put your fingers on the keypad and pound out a thousand words? Celebrate! Keeping that butt in the chair takes an extraordinary amount of discipline and perseverance – two qualities that every published author needs.
When you finish that first novel? Celebrate! You just did what thousands of people only aspire to do. You wrote a book. You. Are a writer.
When a new story idea sparks? Celebrate! You just unearthed a hidden treasure.
When you send out a query letter? Celebrate! Putting yourself out there is an incredibly scary step, but you took it anyway.
When you receive your first (or second, or third, or….well, you get the idea) rejection. Celebrate! Each one means you are in it. Each one is proof that you are serious about publication. Each one brings you that much closer to a YES.
When somebody tells you that your words touched them? Celebrate! Because you are a Voice and your voice makes a difference.
When you enter a contest or submit a short story? Celebrate! You are taking active steps toward your goals.
When you write, day after day, through the doubt, through the fear, through the not-yet-realized dreams? Oh my goodness, celebrate! Because God, the Creator of the universe, in all His majesty and power, knitted you together with a gift. A passion. And He’s got a plan for your words.
So celebrate, my friend.
What you do matters. Agented or not. Published or not. It matters.
Let’s Talk: What things have you celebrated on your journey?