Friday Favorite: A Letter to the North American Church

Friday FavoritesThis post from Ann Voskamp. That is my favorite from the week.

Her beautiful words and this beautiful truth and those beautiful pictures.

Yes, this….

You don’t wait until you have more before you give to God – you give now so you get to become more in God. The children are all smiling and singing and there’s all this light coming like dappled deliverance through the leaves.”

And this…

It’s not having much that makes you rich — it’s the giving much that makes you rich. Give and you are the rich.”

And this…

“I am standing in Africa and there’s a whole Esther Generation and it is us who want hard and holy things because we want more than hollow lives. There’s a whole Esther Generation and it is us who want our children to know the More Life, a life more than self-focus and cell phones, more than iPhones, iTunes, iPads and iLove, who want them to know the More Life of loving the least, the lonely and the lost and tasting the joy of God.”

Let’s Talk: What is your favorite from the week?

Friday Favorite: Rubber Legs

Friday FavoritesI went running for the first time in two years this week……TWICE!

Sure, my legs were sore as all get out the next day.

Sure, I huffed and puffed like a train engine.

But it sure felt good to get the heart pumping!

And get this. The first day, as I’m chugging along, I pass this older gentleman who smiles at me and says, “Good job!”

I love the way God gives us those little winks of encouragement.

Let’s Talk: Working out….love it or hate it?

Friday Favorite: Girl Time!

Friday FavoritesSpending the weekend with fellow author and close friend, Betsy St. Amant?

Don’t mind if I do!

Let’s Talk: What’s a favorite from your week?

If you’re looking for a way to occupy your time from 1-2 pm, Central time today, I’ll be joining Writers’ Voices with Monica and Caroline on KRUU LPM, 100.1 FM, talking about writing, my journey, and my books. I might even be reading from them!