The Title of my Debut Novel

Did you know the snowier the winter, the more abundant the wildflowers are in the spring and summer?

I love when truth reveals itself in nature.

Because this is truth.

God uses the dormant seasons in our life, the harsh seasons in our life, to bring about beautiful things. Breathtaking things.

Like a once-snowy field bursting with wildflowers.

Which is why I’m so pleased with the title of my debut novel.

Wildflowers from Winter releases May, 2012 through Waterbrook Multnomah.

My baby has a name. A real-live name. I hope you like it.

Let’s Talk: What truths do you see in nature?removetweetmeme


Do you ever think about the craziness of life? All the choices? All the forks in the road? Accumulating over the course of your existence? Bringing you exactly where you are today?

Sometimes I find myself thinking about these pivotal moments that might not have seemed so monumental at the time.

Like when I chose to go to the University of Wisconsin instead of the University of Iowa. It was freshman year, in my dorm room in Madison, when I gave my life to Christ. Would I have done that in Iowa?

Or when I chose to take two years off after my freshman year so I could gain residency and pay in-state tuition. During my college intermission, I got a job as a receptionist and met my husband. Would we have met if I hadn’t taken those two years off?

Or when we chose to wait five years before having kids. Would my son be here if we’d decided to try earlier?

How different would my life look if I would have gone to Iowa, if I wouldn’t have married Ryan, if I never had my son?

Would I be writing?

What about all the people I know because I’m exactly where I’m at right now? Where would they be? What would they be doing? Would I be who I am today, would they be who they are today, if we never would have crossed paths?

Our lives and choices make splashes that ripple so much farther than we know.

I love looking back at those pivotal moments and seeing how God has orchestrated so many things, even before I knew Him, to bring me right here.

Living in Iowa. A stay-at-home mom. A wife. A writer. A believer.

Let’s Talk: What are some pivotal moments from your past? Do you ever think about what life would look like if you’d gone left instead of right?removetweetmeme