What’s Your Life Verse?

bibleUp until a couple weeks ago, I never really had a life verse.

But then I started this Bible study and I came across Micah 6:8.

Can I just say how much I love Micah 6:8?

I read it and it’s like….manna.

Here’s the thing about me.

I tend to overcomplicate my walk with Christ.

I tend to wonder if I should be doing something more. If I should be doing something better. If I should be doing something different.

This verse is a sweet sweet reminder that the Christian life is really quite simple.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
~Micah 6:8

Yes, Lord, this is it.

This is what it’s about.

To act justly.

To love mercy.

To walk humbly with my God.

Let’s Talk: What is your life verse?

El Roi

names of godMy good friend Melissa and I have been meditating upon a particular name of God each month.

Last month, we prayed a lot to Jehovah Jireh – the Lord who provides.

And boy, did that name ever turn into something meaningful.

This month, we’re praying to El Roi – the God who Sees Me.

Not just this far-away, all-powerful God who’s up there in heaven. But a personal, intimate God who sees every piece that is me. My past. My present. My future. My fears and dreams and failures and victories.

I love that this is one of God’s names.

Let’s Talk: Which one of God’s names has been particularly poignant for you these days?

Friday Favorite: A Song

Friday FavoritesFear has been rearing it’s head in my life as of late, so today’s Friday Favorite is a song that’s been ministering to me in such an amazing way.

I love the message Chris Tomlin has for his listeners.

“We live in a time of panic, and fear, and a time of anxiety. People feel so much coming at them. From every way, we feel surrounded with so many troubles. My heart is when people hear this song, that their eyes would be opened, to realize what’s really going on. That those who are for us are more than those who are against us.”

Feeling afraid? Want some powerful, triumphant truth?

Check out 2 Kings, chapter 6 and read who our God is–a God of angel armies. A God who holds the whole world in His hand. Whom shall we fear?

I hope this song encourages you as much as it’s been encouraging me! Check out the “making of” Whom Shall I Fear, and then enjoy the song!

Let’s Talk: What’s a favorite from your week? If it’s a video or a blog post, please share the link in the comments!