
It Ain’t Easy, but It is Simple

trust open palm

There’s this line in my newly released novella, An October Bride, where Emma Tate and her father are having a fire-side chat about the concept of trust…


This is another thing cancer has done. It’s taught my father the art of living in each moment. He doesn’t look ahead. He doesn’t let himself spiral into a storm of what-ifs. He relies on God’s strength for today and trusts him with tomorrow. For me, it’s a constant struggle. I let out a puff of breath. “You make it sound so simple.”

“Trust is simple.” He holds up his pointer finger. “Not easy, but simple.”


There is nothing complicated about putting your trust in someone.

It’s like that trust exercise, when a person stands behind you, and without looking back, you fall. You trust that the person will catch you.

Falling is simple.

It doesn’t take a lot of thought. It doesn’t take a lot of planning or figuring or solving. It’s just something you choose.

That’s trust. It’s not complicated.

But like Emma’s father says, it’s not easy, either.

I don’t know about you, but this is a lesson God has been teaching me these past twelve months.

Again and again and again, He’s asking me to trust Him. Even when it’s difficult. Even when I’m scared. Even when I don’t feel His presence behind me.

As you read these words, I’m probably high up in the air, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. Or maybe I’m headed from Brussels, closer to the equator by now.

Why am I high up in the air above the Atlantic or the equator, you ask?

Because I’m on my way to visit my daughter, who doesn’t live at home with Ryan and Brogan and me, but lives instead in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

She became a Ganshert on July 17, 2013. But because of reasons too convoluted to go into here on this blog, she remains in the DRC. We pray every day that God would allow her to join our family.

And every day that she remains there and we remain here is another day God asks me to trust Him.

Some days are easier than others.

We started this adoption process three years ago. Nothing about it has been easy.  And yet, if there is one thing that God has shown Ryan and I as we walk this journey, it is His goodness.

Which might sound funny to outsiders looking in.

I mean, our little girl is 6000 miles away in a country where 1 in 5 children do not make it to their fifth birthday.

But there it is.

The mercy and grace He has extended to us, and our daughter too, has been undeniable.

So on the days when trust feels like a particular shade of impossible, I hold tight to that goodness. I hold tight to that mercy and that grace. And I remember that thus far, God has never dropped me.

In the words of that very very VERY popular song by Hillsong…

“You’ve never failed, and you won’t stop now.”

What is God asking you to trust Him with today?

You can purchase An October Bride (an 88 page novella) on e-book or audio wherever e-books and audio-books are sold. Please check out the An October Bride book page for more information and buy links.

Bucket Lists

An October Bride

The first time I ever heard the phrase “bucket list” was when that movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman came out in 2007. I have no idea if that phrase was a thing before that movie or not, but I do know since time immemorial, people have been making them.

Maybe we don’t write them down. Maybe the list is simply something we’ve considered in our minds. But I think we all have at least one or two things we’d like to do before we “kick the bucket”.

It could be a place you want to travel or a relationship you want to mend or a big goal you want to achieve or a milestone you want to reach or any number of random or not-s0-random things.

I know I have them.

And so does one of the character’s in my very first novella, An October Bride.

In fact, this bucket list–which is accidentally discovered by main character, Emma Tate–instigates the entire story.

So I thought, since said story releases tomorrow (cue major excitement and nerves!), that it would be fun to talk about our bucket lists today.

What would be one or two things on YOUR bucket list?

An October Bride releases tomorrow, September 23, on e-book and audio book wherever e-books and audio books are sold. It will release in paperback format in conglomeration with A September Bride by Kathryn Springer and A November Bride by Beth Vogt in an omnibus titled Fall Brides. If you want to learn more about the story, please visit the An October Bride page on my website. I’d love to introduce you to Jake Sawyer, Emma Tate, and the quirky town of Mayfair, Wisconsin. I had such a fun time writing their story!

A Fall Love Affair

fall leaves

Fall is my favorite.

Never mind what comes after. We won’t talk about that now. (This is a happy place.)

For now, we will strictly focus on FALL and all that is lovely.

The vibrant leaves on the trees.

The air turning crisp.

The scent of burning leaves.

Pumpkin spice coffee creamer.

Bags and bags of candy corn in the candy aisle at the grocery store.

Pumpkin patches and hay rack rides and jack-o-lanterns.

Apple orchards and sweatshirts and jeans and the crunch, crunch, crunch of leaves under my sneakers.

Hot chocolate in styrofoam cups at Friday night high school football games.

Wrapped up under a down comforter with the window cracked just enough to let in the nighttime chill and the haunting sound of train whistles in the distance.

Yep, I love fall. Love it down to my bones.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons I had so much fun writing my upcoming novella, An October Bride (releases September 23rd). It takes place during two of my favorite months (September and October) in northern Wisconsin, and includes many of my favorite fall-season things listed above. I can’t wait to introduce you to Emma Tate and Jake Sawyer!

An October Bride

Until then…

What’s YOUR favorite thing about fall?