2016: QUIET

IMG_11832015 was a LOUD year, y’all.

Not only did I have four novels and two novellas release, we went through the ginormous transition of bringing our daughter into our family, and that’s not counting the months beforehand that were filled with horrendous waiting and nail-biting anticipation. Then suddenly, when we didn’t think it possible, she was here, with us.

For anyone who has adopted a traumatized child, you understand well that this transition isn’t just “adding another family member” to the family. Add in the fact that our little love has special needs, and well … yeah. It was a year filled with transition and noise and doctor appointments and therapy appointments and paperwork and diagnoses and CALMING ALL THE FEAR and a good, good God who parted the Red Sea and did big, amazing things and became our Sustainer in the wilderness but even so, this mama may have aged like President Obama.

Christmas ushered in like magic. Like a wave of calm. A paradox, I know. Despite the popular Christmas song, December isn’t typically described as a silent, calm month.

Yet, for me, it was.

After months and months of tough, we were finally. slowly. slipping into a new normal. More challenging than our old normal, for sure, but at least it felt normal.

And with the slipping, came a softening in my heart. A perking in my ears.

God began pressing a word against my heart.


As far as I have planned, no books will be releasing. No children will be joining our family. We are not starting the year desperately waiting like we did in 2015. We are not anticipating any big, crazy transitions. But who knows. Despite these plans of the moment, perhaps 2016 will be another loud year.

I don’t know what circumstances these next 365 days will bring.

All I know is this:

God is calling me to be quiet.

Before Him.

With Him.

And as I learn to do quiet, I am confident He will fill up the space my noise leaves behind. I couldn’t be anymore eager, anymore expectant to hear what He’s going to say.

Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [an even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.
-Jeremiah 33:3

And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.
-Isaiah 30:21

What about YOU? What’s on YOUR heart as we enter 2016?

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4 thoughts on “2016: QUIET

  1. Probably the opposite of quiet!! With my first release this year through a major publisher, I’m already hitting the ground running in 2016. You know what all that entails. But I’m so looking forward to it and even as busy as it’s going to be, the word God has given me for this year is JOY. So thats my plan – to seek and find the joy in the journey.
    And I love that you’re seeking Him in the quiet – with 2 kids in the house! HA! Enjoy this season, my friend, it passes too quickly. 🙂

  2. Sounds like you’ve experienced wonderful (and, yes, hard) things this past year, Katie. Excited for you for the year to come, with your new full family! Congratulations on finally being altogether, and blessings for your Quiet 2016.

    God is impressing on me to “Receive” all He has for me this year, the obviously good and the hidden good. All from His hand will be for my good; I just can’t always see it at the time.

  3. Kristen LeFevers

    Happy New Year, Katie! As I sit here on this overcast morning, I just keep feeling verses from Jeremiah and Hebrews stir in my heart, the same way they’ve been stirring since the crazy and–yes–loud weeks leading up to Christmas: verses about seeking God with our entire hearts, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because He rewards those who seek Him with everything they have. That’s a promise, one that I feel called to cling to as we embark on another year.

  4. Kelly Freestone

    Contentment and to be still.
    I struggle with being still, not physically, but spiritually. I let outside things control my emotions way too much and I just gotta stop. In that chaos, I can’t hear the voice of truth. I’m so thankful for what’s happened in 2015, God has brought me to a place where I’m finally ready and know he’s allowing me to write stories again. Short ones. Haha! I can’t explain quickly all the other changes, but I know it’s time for me to learn again how to be still.


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