3 C’s – It’s Friday

Two Day Post Surgery 

I’m officially entrenched in revisions for book two, Wishing on Willows.

The revisions are making me feel like a turtle. I was hoping to get a lot more accomplished yesterday than actually got accomplished.

Trying not to worry about things outside of my control. 

Wildflowers from Winter won Clash of the Titles for May. It was a very fun, unexpected surprise!

Hubby is home and recuperating. The surgery couldn’t have gone any better and the kidney loves its new home. 

Come celebrate Casey Herringshaw’s birthday tomorrow! There will be lots of fun giveaways and all kinds of fun! Plus, she shares a birthday with the best guy on the planet. Ryan turns 33 tomorrow. 

Let’s Talk: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations this week? 

Writing Fodder

Holding my husband’s hand before he went back for surgery….

Saying “see you when you wake up” and kissing him goodbye…

Waiting in the waiting room….

Eavesdropping on a family of sisters, who passed the time engaging in a lively discussion about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes….

The emotion I felt when we heard the surgeon was putting Ryan’s kidney into his younger brother’s body….

The emotion we all felt when we heard that kidney started working immediately….

My husband lying in the hospital bed after everything was finished….

Brett’s smile the next morning, when for the first time since September, he didn’t have to go to dialysis….

Watching people roam the halls, wheeling IVs with glassy eyes and the occasional grimace….

I experienced all of it like a regular person.

But I had one ear open. Ever the observer. Because everything, when you’re a writer, is fodder for a potential story.

Let’s Talk: Do you ever feel like you’re half experiencing something, half cataloging it away for future use?

It took me long enough, but I’m officially addicted to Pinterest. If you’d like to check out my boards, including a Wildflowers from Winter and Wishing on Willows (releasing March, 2013) board,  here’s my Pinterest home page. I’d love to connect with you there!