Friday 3 C’s

There are so many reasons why I love that picture up there. But one of the biggest is the story shining through it.

Meet my gorgeous friend, Holly, and her handsome husband, Joel. Not only did they walk through the dark valley of infertility, their adoption fell through. In the midst of the heartache, Holly was able to minister to a woman contemplating abortion in a way she never could have had she not spent so many years longing for a baby. That woman chose life for her child. And later, Holly found out she was pregnant.  

Holly and Joel are a living testimony that God can bring wildflowers from winter. Reminds me of all the real-life “wildflowers from winter” stories so many of you shared a few months ago. Reading them never gets old!

A fun fact for readers? Holly is the face of Robin Price, the main character in Wishing on Willows, which releases March 19, 2013.


I finished a novel I have been working on for two years! A story I almost quit multiple times for various reasons. It’s always been this thing that’s loomed over my head. A to-do that I never thought I’d check off my list. But now it is and I’m having a blast brainstorming future novels!

My awesome web designer, Jason Walker, added a Welcome Packet sign up button at the top of my website (see it up there?) and on my Author Page on Facebook. I enjoy sending these out, so if you haven’t signed up already, please do!

Tipsy made a major comeback. The fish is alive and swimming. I’m a little weirded out.

Let’s Talk: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations this week?


We were put on the referral list in mid May.

We’ve been told it takes about six months for a family to receive a referral.

So we most likely have another few months of waiting ahead of us.

But it could happen anytime, really. It’s possible to get a referral tomorrow.

Regardless of when, one day, we will get a phone call followed by an email and that’ll be it….our child. This faceless nameless child we’ve been praying for. 

We’ll have a picture and name and a background. 

Maybe a little girl. Or a little boy.

And all of a sudden, the plight of the orphan will have a face. All of a sudden, the plight of the orphan will feel personal and raw and….real.

Because that will be my little boy or my little girl. And instead of hopping on a plane and flying across the Atlantic and bringing our sweet pea home, we’ll have to wait. 

For another 12 months, give or take. Knowing that the children in these orphanages are perishing. Knowing that the situation is heart-breakingly desperate. 

We’ll have no choice but to wait. While the courts confer. While due diligence is adhered to.

We will wait.

And we will pray.

We’ll pray like we’ve never prayed before. We will lift this precious child–our precious child–to the throne room of God. Begging that He would keep our little one safe until it is time to bring our little one home.

Let’s Talk: How do you handle waiting? What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to wait for?

What Happens at an Author Retreat?

You’re greeted like this. Which, I must say, is pretty hard to beat as far as greetings go. Awesome sign, awesome lady. 

You eat a lot of this. Which, I must say, is pretty fabulous as far as food goes. Fancy food, fancy flan.

You meet the people who brought your baby to life. People who make you feel welcomed and supported and valued (and very well fed).

You make Shamy sandwiches (the one and only Shannon Marchese and Amy Haddock) which are the best kind.

You get to know (and laugh with) a wonderful group of authors (from left to right: Meg Moseley, Mona Hodgson, Lori Benton, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Joanne Bischoff, Cindy Woodsmall, Mindy Starns Clark, me)

You enjoy the scenery and spot Jack Nicholson at Garden of the Gods. I’m not even kidding.

You discover that the office really is a magical place, overflowing with books and energy and amazing people and walls decorated with awards and cover collages and physical representations of so many dreams come true.

On top of that, you….

  • participate in a workshop that energizes and focuses your outlook on social media. Thank you Rusty Shelton for a bucketful of gold nuggets.
  • listen to an inspiring morning devotional that reminds you why do this. Thank you Bruce Nygren.
  • answer fun questions for a video montage.
  • stock up on books, books, and more books!
  • learn that Joanne Bischoff has the cutest, happiest eight month old ever.
  • have a passion tea with your agent, because she lives nearby.

Maybe that’s not how every author retreat goes, but it is how the Waterbrook Multnomah author retreat went.

Thanks so much to everyone who made it happen. I left with a buzzing brain (so many ideas!) and a blessed heart.

Let’s Talk: If you had to choose between a chocolate molten lava cake and blueberry cheesecake, what would you choose? Let me tell you, it was not an easy decision. And have you read books by any of these authors? I heart all of them.