Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Thanks for sharing your favorite Christmas songs on Wednesday and Thursday. There were a couple I’d never heard of before. It’s always fun to discover new Christmas music!

This week’s prize package included:

And the winner is…..


Merry Christmas Melissa! I hope you enjoy the early Christmas gifts!

Don’t miss next Wednesday for our final fabulous gift package AND the Merry Christmas Grand Prize Give Away!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!

If I haven’t already, I’d love to send you a welcome packet! Sign-up button is at the top and bottom of the page!

Christmas Music

Today’s Giveaway Includes:

Without further ado, let’s hightail it to Peaks and talk to my two leading ladies about Christmas music.

First, I asked Bethany, the main character of Wildflowers from Winter, to tell me about her favorite Christmas song:

Without a doubt, Little Drummer Boy. It’s beautiful. All of it–the melody, the instruments, the lyrics. If I close my eyes, I can hear Grandpa Dan singing it down the hall in the shower. As a little girl, I always felt so sorry for that little boy, with nothing to give the King but some taps on his drum. Something about those words pinched my heart. As an adult, they still do.

I asked Robin, the main character of Wishing on Willows, the same thing:

Oooo, that’s a hard one. There are so many great ones! As a kid, Mom and I always used to dance and sing to Up on the Rooftop. It was one of the first songs she taught me on the piano. And then in high school, we used to dance and sing to All I Want for Christmas is You. But now, as an adult…

I guess if I had to choose, it would probably be O Holy Night. “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices…” And then when that chorus rises and we belt out, “Fall on your knees! Hear the angel voices!” I can’t sing it without getting choked up. To think of this Jesus we celebrate–the Light of the World, coming to earth as a helpless infant, all for love. It truly is incomprehensible.

To be entered in today’s giveaway, all you have to do is tell us about your favorite Christmas song!

You will have until nine p.m. central time on Thursday to leave a comment. At which time, all names will be written on a scrap of paper and my husband will draw the winner. The winner will be announced on Friday.

To be entered to win the grand prize giveaway, you have to answer all four of the “What Does Christmas Mean to You?” questions (here’s the first, and the second). To see the complete list of items included in the grand prize, please click on the link.

Let’s Talk: What’s your favorite Christmas song and why?

If you’d like to sample Wildflowers from Winter, you can read the first three chapters.

If I haven’t already sent you a welcome packet, I sure would love to! The sign-up button is at the top and bottom of this page!

Seeing God in Unexpected Places

Last Wednesday, I had the privilege of listening to a young lady named Sierra Makeever give her testimony at youth group.

As part of her story, she read something she wrote for a friend. A beautiful piece about seeing God. Sierra gave me permission to share it here, on my blog. I hope it blesses you as much as it blessed me…

I see God in beautiful music, the kind that displays someone’s deepest most heartfelt desires.

Quiet moments, the ones where you can hear your own heartbeat.

Moments that are surprisingly peaceful, amidst more chaos than can be squeezed into a single day.

When I cry so hard I can barely breathe, and then all at once, I feel supernatural contentment, knowing I’m right in the palm of my Heavenly Father.

When I feel most unsure of my future and things seem to be spiraling out of control, it is then I know my Savior is carrying me through.

But if you want to know where I see God most, it is in pain.

It has been in the season of despair that I have felt His presence most clearly.

When I come to the place of brokenness in my own sin and shortcomings and look back on the mess of my life, knowing it is ONLY by His grace that I stand here in one piece.

Yes, I see Him most when I face the fact that this life isn’t about me. In a world that wants you to be so consumed with yourself that you forget to look around at the glory before us and beyond us.

In those moments of pain, I long for Heaven.

It is then that  every waking moment on this Earth, I should be spent for the cause of Christ.

It is then I see God, and Him glorified.

Let’s Talk: Where do you see God most clearly?

Sierra Makeever, 21, originally from Rockford, IL, came to the Quad Cities to attend Augustana College and is in the last year of her undergrad with a dual degree in Psychology and Communication Studies. She is currently the Women’s Ministry Intern at Harvest Bible Chapel – Davenport, and serves in Junior High Ministries as a sixth grade break out leader. She has plans to work toward a Masters degree in Christian Counseling post graduation. When she’s not in class or at work, she loves to read, study God’s word, do CrossFit, snowboard, and catch coffee with friends. Thankful to be saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.

In other news, I realize I haven’t been sticking to my blogging program as of late. Hang with me and we’ll get back on track in January.