Friday Favorites: Band Aid Power

band aidSo I’ve decided to make my Friday Favorites a little less specific.

From now on, I won’t always have a list of links to beloved blog posts from the week.

My Friday Favorite could be any number of things.

A favorite pin on Pinterest.

A favorite video on Youtube.

A favorite quote from a book.

A favorite movie or show recently watched.

A favorite Tweet from Twitter friends.

A favorite Bible verse.

A favorite song.

A favorite recipe.

A favorite blog post or article.

Or, like today, a favorite Broganism.

In case you don’t know, a Broganism can be defined as follows:

A word, phrase, prayer, story, or action that comes from my four-year old son, who is named Brogan.

And that’s exactly what today’s Friday Favorite is. A Broganism.

Allow me to set the stage…

Both of my boys have had the flu this week. Brogan’s on the mend. Ryan’s getting there.

Yesterday, Ryan was suffering from the headache of all headaches.

Enter the Broganism….

Brogan: What’s wrong, Dad? Are you sick?

Ryan: My head hurts.

Brogan goes into the bathroom, comes out with a Band Aid, unwraps it, and sticks it on Ryan’s eyebrow.

All better!

The kid is quite literal. And he’s at that age where Band Aids contain magical healing powers.

In the midst of my frantic Lysol spraying, it definitely brought a smile to my face.

Let’s Talk: What’s a Friday Favorite from your week? Feel free to include a link!

Want to visit Robin’s cafe–the point of contention in Wishing on Willows? Click on over to Willow Tree Cafe! It’s not complete yet, but it’s viewable. Hey, you don’t happen to be an artist with some free time do you? I’d absolutely love a drawing of the outside of Robin’s cafe, complete with the wooden signpost, that I could put at the top of the page. The artist would get a free book! Maybe even two! If you or anyone you know might be interested, please shoot me an email!

Join the Wishing on Willows Launch Team

Alright folks, it’s 2013. Which means in a little over two months, Wishing on Willows will hit book stores!

The official release date is March 19th and I’m inviting you to be a part of the Wishing on Willows launch team.

Why a launch team?

To start that all-important buzz that is oh-so-very crucial when it comes to a book’s success.

What is a launch team?

A team of influencers and reviewers ready and willing to spread the word.

What do I get for being on the launch team?

A free, advanced copy of Wishing on Willows, two surprise books from my publishing house, a bonus devotional that touches upon a major theme in the novel, and my undying gratitude. Seriously.

What does an influencer do?

They help promote the book by reaching out to people in their sphere of influence.

The most effective influencers are excited, enthusiastic influencers.

People who are willing to talk about the book on their social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc), recommend the book to friends and family, recommend the book to their public and church libraries, suggest the book to their book club (if they’re part of one), feature the book on their blog, post about the book on online reading forums, write a review on popular review sites (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, Goodreads, Novel Crossing), or anything else that will create buzz and generate interest.

Thinking outside the box is welcomed and appreciated.

But what if I’m an influencer and I don’t like the book?

Easy! You don’t do anything. I realize taste is subjective and not everybody who picks up Robin’s story will enjoy it. Silence is 100% preferred over dishonesty or fake enthusiasm. That’s no fun for anyone.

What does a reviewer do?

A reviewer’s role is a bit more focused than an influencer’s.

They read the book and write a review on their blog and at least one of those popular review sites mentioned above. The review does not have to be glowing. It just has to be honest.

How do I become a part of this team?

You can either leave a comment below or shoot me an email ( Whichever you prefer.

If you want to be a reviewer, please include a link to your blog.

If you want to be an influencer, please include a couple ideas on how you might promote the book.

I have a limited number of advanced copies waiting patiently in a big box on my dining room table. I plan on sending them out VERY soon! Once you’re a part of my team, we’ll get you the devotional and those two surprise books mentioned earlier.

Still unsure? Read on.

Wishing on Willows Back Cover Blurb:

Does a second chance at life and love always involve surrender?

A three-year old son, a struggling café, and fading memories are all Robin Price has left of her late husband. As the proud owner of Willow Tree Café in small town Peaks, Iowa,  she pours her heart into every muffin she bakes and espresso she pulls, thankful for the sense of purpose and community the work provides.

So when developer Ian McKay shows up in Peaks with plans to build condos where her café and a vital town ministry are located, she isn’t about to let go without a fight.

As stubborn as he is handsome, Ian won’t give up easily. His family’s business depends on his success in Peaks. But as Ian pushes to seal the deal, he wonders if he has met his match. Robin’s gracious spirit threatens to undo his resolve, especially when he discovers the beautiful widow harbors a grief that resonates with his own.

With polarized opinions forming all over town, business becomes unavoidably personal and Robin and Ian must decide whether to cling to the familiar or surrender their plans to the God of Second Chances.

Click on the link to read the first two chapters.

If that sounds like a book you’d enjoy, let’s talk!

Wishing on Willows is available for pre-order now! As a fun bonus, my publisher will be giving away a week-long Wishing on Willows devotional to everyone who preorders! Click over to the Wishing on Willows page for links to retailers and while you’re there, make sure to check out the fun new bonus features I added yesterday!

A Yearly Tradition: Recap & Prediction

2013Every new year, I like to summarize the previous year using one word and predict what the next year’s word will be.

Here’s a brief recap….

2009’s One Word Summary: Growth

I started doing this in January of 2010, which means I didn’t have a prediction for 2009. Just a summary. And with all the growing I did as a Christian and as a writer, I’d say that fits the bill.

2010’s One Word Summary: Surrender

Jokingly, I predicted that 2010 would be my year for Victory. Ended up being a year of surrender. Gotta love the irony there.

2011’s One Word Summary: Trust

2011’s prediction was Anticipation, since I had just signed a two-book deal with Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Throughout the course of the year, I not only quit my day job, Ryan and I said yes to adoption, both of which required a lot of trust.

2012’s One Word Prediction: Change

Let’s see. Major high lights.

In 2012, one of my biggest dreams came true. My debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter, hit book stores. I became a real-live published author. The entire experience was made a thousand times more awesome because of supportive, encouraging people like you!

In 2012, I watched my husband be selfless and brave. He became a living donor for his younger brother and is one kidney shy of the average.  

In 2012, we finished our home study, put together a huge fundraising event, got matched with a two-year old Congolese boy, lost the referral, watched from afar as the country broke out in violence, and continue to have our eyes opened to the many challenges that come with pilot programs and adoptions in DR Congo….

In 2012, my little man Brogan started preschool and turned four.

If I had to sum up the year in a single word, it would be….


I’m grateful for the opportunities God has given me.

I’m grateful for the support of family, friends, and this online community.

I’m grateful for the encouraging notes from readers and the way God has used Wildflowers from Winter to speak hope into people’s lives.

I’m grateful for a sacrificial husband and a healthy son.

I’m grateful for my publishing house.

I’m grateful for the way this adoption journey has opened my eyes to the plight of the orphan like nothing else before.

I’m grateful for God’s provision and peace in the midst of disappointment and unmet expectations.

2012 has been a lot of things. And I am grateful.

So what’s my one-word prediction for 2013?

I have no idea why, but the word that keeps popping to mind is….


Let’s hope they’re the good kind!

Let’s Talk: What word would you use to summarize 2012? What’s your one-word prediction for 2013?

So honored and excited that Wildflowers from Winter made several popular book reviewers’ Best of 2012 lists! Thank you Rachel McRae, Casey Herringshaw, Brenda Anderson, Christy Janes, Lydia Mazzei, Rel Mollet, Renee Chaw, Gwendolyn Gage, and Kara Isaac (honorable mention) for bringing a huge smile to my face and pointing the way to some excellent books out there that I need to read!

Equally honored and grateful that Wildflowers from Winter came in third place for Book Club Networks’ Book of the Year, which is decided on by reader votes! Thank you so much to everybody who voted! To see which books came in first and second, check out the magazine (p. 64-65).