Pinterest War: Battle One Results

Pinterest Challenge OneThe top picture is the one found on Pinterest. The one below is the Ganshert’s attempt to wax Easter eggs.

Okay. So our eggs aren’t the prettiest eggs you’ve ever seen.

Although I must say, the cracked one with the toothpick antennae has a certain charm to it. And who doesn’t like a black Easter egg? Symbolic of Black Friday, no?

Despite their slightly pathetic appearance, they were super fun and easy to make and a huge hit with my son who does not like to color paper but apparently likes to color hot, hard eggs.

Did you play?

If so, Becky Wade and I would love to see your picture on Facebook or Twitter! Make sure to tag us so we can see it.

We’ll enter all participants’ names into a hat and at the end of the war, we’ll draw some winners to receive our novels!

My newest release, Wishing on Willows, hits shelves next week, March 19th! Pre-order your copy now and my publisher will email you seven free devotionals I wrote especially for my readers!

Becky Wade’s newest, Undeniably Yours, follows a few weeks later on May 1st!

Before you vote on a winner for this epic first battle, I think it’s only fair you see Becky’s eggs. I’m afraid the Wade eggs put the Ganshert eggs to shame! But fun was had by all, so that’s what matters, right? (says the loser)

Becky Wade pinterest eggs

Now the question is….Pinterest success or fail?

I’m guest posting on Divine Moments today about how to conduct a successful puzzle piece adoption fundraiser!

Peace Doesn’t Just Happen

Becky WeidowI love meeting with God in the morning. In those quiet moments before my day really begins, His mercies are so new, His words are so sweet, His presence is so strong and my heart is so still that the Lord’s peace is palpable.

But then I close my Bible, I put away my journal, and I dive into an ever-growing to-do list. Something doesn’t happen like it was supposed to happen. Brogan wakes up in a whiny, messy mood, leaving a trail of debris everywhere he steps. We rush and rush to get out the door on time but somehow we’re late, because we’re always late. And then I get home and there’s an unexpected bill in the mail and that peace that surrounded me in the morning is so very far away and distant that nobody looking at me would ever suspect I experienced it in the first place.


Am I the only one who experiences this?

Seriously, if not for life, my quiet-time afterglow would last for an eternity.

Lately, I’ve been searching out God’s promises in Scripture.

The other morning I remembered that Psalm 34 was jam-packed with them, so I turned there. I got to the second part of verse 14 and it was like the words jumped off the page and pinged me between the eyes.

…search for peace and work to maintain it.


Light bulb moment.

Life is broken. We’re all operating within a faulty system.

Which means…

Peace is not our default setting or some natural state.

Oh friend, it was supposed to be.

And some day, when Jesus comes again, it will be.

But right now, it’s not.

Yet there I was, living under the false assumption that peace would just come. That it would naturally arise or remain, all on its own.

Only that wasn’t happening.

Because peace isn’t something that magically comes to us or stays with us. We have to go after it. And once we’ve taken hold of it, we have to work hard to maintain it.

Living out a life of peace is an active pursuit, one that requires intentionality and an effort that stems not from our own strength, but from the Spirit inside of us.

The only way we will win this battle for peace is by wielding the Spirit’s sword – which is the Word of God.

So the next time my to-do list feels like I’m being sprayed in the face by a fire house, I can fight back with…

He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. ~Psalm 23:2

Or the next time my son wakes up cranky and terrorizes my clean little house, I can fight back with…

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24

Or the next time something doesn’t go the way I expected it to go and I don’t know how or when it will get fixed, I can fight back…

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. ~Isaiah 26:3

Or the next time an unexpected bill comes in the mail, I can fight back…

Don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. ~Philippians 4:6

Even in this chaotic, busy, broken world, may we be a people marked by peace. And may that peace point to Him.

Let’s Talk: Are you actively pursuing peace in your life? What Scriptures help you fight the battle?

Don’t miss the Wishing on Willows Facebook Extravaganza – a live video streaming event in celebration of my second book release, Wishing on Willows! I will be chatting with readers, there will be SIX awesome prize packages to win (click on the extravaganza link to check out some of the prizes), and two amazing guest authors – Becky Wade and Courtney Walsh. Make sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 19th from 6 – 7 pm, CST. Please click on this link to RSVP!

There’s a guest post AND giveaway of my new novel over on Lindsay Harrel’s blog. I’m talking about fear and the ways we let it hold us back.

Pinterest Wars: It Is On!

easter eggsBattle One between myself and the talented, Becky Wade involves two simple ingredients: crayons and hard-boiled eggs.

Apparently, when the eggs are nice and hot and fresh out of the pot, you color on them with crayons and get something pretty like this picture.

Who’s going to join us?

We will post our disastrous inspiring results this Friday on Facebook and Pinterest. So if you haven’t already liked Becky’s Facebook page or mine, now’s a great time to do so. You can also join us on Pinterest by following Becky’s Pinterest Wars board or mine.

We’d love for you to join in the fun! In fact, for every battle you participate in, we’ll enter your name into a hat to win one of our books.

All you have to do is post a picture of your results on Facebook. Make sure to tag Becky and I in the picture so we can see it! Simple as that.

Who’s ready to get their craft on?

Let’s Talk: What’s your favorite Easter tradition?

Don’t miss the Wishing on Willows Facebook Extravaganza – a live video streaming event in celebration of my second book release, Wishing on Willows! I will be chatting with readers, there will be SIX awesome prize packages to win (click on the extravaganza link to check out some of the prizes), and two amazing guest authors – Becky Wade and Courtney Walsh. Make sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 19th from 6 – 7 pm, CST. Please click on this link to RSVP!

Check out this review of Wishing on Willows on Under God’s Mighty Hand!

I’m guest posting over on Lindsey Bell’s blog about single parenthood, which is a little ironic since I’m not a single parent. Still, I hope it encourages mom’s everywhere!