Battle Eight Results: Undeniably Yours

book cover battle Becky got her arm position right.

But I think I win in the shoe department.

Nevertheless, this one was downright fun! Even our hubbies agree.

Now for the real fun. The outtakes.

Let me tell you, I just about died when Becky sent me this. Gives a whole new meaning to undeniably yours…

funny shot becky

This one isn’t nearly as funny. But worth noting that our 4-year old son took the picture. He told us to, “Be dinosaurs.” Hence, our faces….

dinosaur faces

On behalf of Becky and myself, we hope you’ve enjoyed this ongoing Pinterest War. Maybe we didn’t discover any new hairstyles or make up tips, but we sure had some laughs.

Who won?

C’mon folks. Does winning really matter? (Says the girl who probably lost.)

All that matters is how we played the game, right?


Okay, fine.

Becky Wade may be taking home the trophy this year. But perhaps we’ll be battling again. And she should know, if that ever happens, that I won’t go easy on her the next time.

Thanks to everyone who followed along and participated!

Remember, you have until Tuesday, May 7th to participate in this final battle. Check out this link for details.

Three winners will be contacted when I’m back on American soil!

Congrats Becky, my friend! I’m so excited about the release of Undeniably Yours!

Let’s Talk: Which battle did you enjoy the most?

Due to the inevitable curse that is jet lag, I will be taking a blogging break the week of May 6th through the 10th. I’ll contact the three winners via email on Wednesday, May 8th!

Happy Release!

release trifectaTo my dear friend, Becky Wade, for the release of her novel, Undeniably Yours!

Friends, if you’re a fan of inspirational contemporary romance that is of the impossible-to-put-down variety, then Becky’s an author to check out.

And then happy early release to two other dear friends, Beth Vogt and Meg Moseley.

Beth’s novel, Catch a Falling Star, releases next Tuesday, May 7th. As well as Meg Moseley’s, Gone South.

I’ve read both for endorsement and found them thoroughly enjoyable!

Beth’s is sure to make many a romance reader swoon.

And Meg is quickly becoming one of my favorite women’s fiction authors.

Hope you get a chance to check out these talented authors!

Let’s Talk: Which authors do you love sharing with your friends?

The Final Showdown: Undeniably Yours!

undeniably yoursWell, ladies and gentleman, we have reached the final battle in the Pinterest War between me and my good friend, Becky Wade.

And this week’s challenge is too much fun for it’s own good.

In celebration of Becky’s newest release, Undeniably Yours, which hits shelves this Wednesday, we will be recreating the book cover with our honeys and posting our results this Friday.

Let me just tell you, it’s going to be epic.

To make things a little more interesting, we’re giving away prizes!

  • One person will win a $20 gift certificate to their choice of Amazon or Barnes and Noble
  • One person will win a copy of Undeniably Yours by Becky Wade
  • One person will win a copy of Wishing on Willows by Katie Ganshert

So grab a pair of pink shoes, a white dress, and your camera!

Some of you might be thinking, “Now wait a minute. No fair. I’m single!”

Don’t let this stop you!

We’re all for creativity.

Hold hands and jump in the air with your best girlfriend (although this may be dangerous with high heels).

Cuddle up with your four-legged furry friend.

We’re giving you full creative license to make this cover your own.

Just make sure to post your photo on a social media site and tag me and/or Becky so we can see it. Then come back here and leave a comment letting us know you posted a photo. Every re-created cover gets five entries into the hat.

If you’re thinking, “I’m not a fan of taking pictures.” Then no worries! You can still have a shot at winning.

Tweet or post on Facebook about this final battle, come back here and let us know what you did, and that gets you one entry into the hat.

I’m in Africa this week (yep, you heard that right), so I won’t be drawing the three winners until I return on Tuesday, May 7th. Which means you have plenty of time to participate!

Let’s all help Becky celebrate the release of her book with a bang!

Let’s Talk: What battle have you enjoyed the most?