Safe Haven: A NYT Best Selling Experiment

safe havenIt’s long past due for another NYT Best Selling review!

The reason they’re taking so long is because the books have a long wait list at my local library.

Go figure.

Okay, so let me recap how this works.

I choose a book from the NYT best sellers list and commit to reading the first fifty pages, after which, I vlog two reviews–a review for readers, and a review for writers.

The reader review is your standard review.

The writer review, however, is different. This is where I attempt to figure out how the book landed on the coveted NYT best seller’s list.

Let’s get started, shall we?

A Review for Readers:

Video Cliffs Notes:

  • This was my first attempt to read a Nicholas Sparks novel.
  • When Katie, a mysterious newcomer shows up in Southport, North Carolina, she catches the attention of a widower named Alex, who’s raising two young ones on his own. A romance ensues and secrets about Katie’s not-so-happy past are revealed.
  • I wasn’t enthralled, but the book did help me pass the time during some long flights home from Africa.
  • At page 150-something, I convinced my husband to watch the movie.
  • I wasn’t a fan of the movie, so I lost momentum with the book too.

A Review for Writers:

Video Cliffs Notes:

  • Craft books tell us to start our stories with a sense that all is not well. Sparks does this well.
  • Curiosity is an author’s best friend. Curious readers keep turning pages. –> Click to Tweet
  • Sparks gives us a sympathetic male lead.
  • Just when the story might start to lag, Sparks throws in an action scene that grabs our attention.
  • Know thy audience. Romance readers tend to like those small, southern town settings.


thumbs sideways

Okay, so I didn’t technically finish this book. But to be fair, it wasn’t Nicholas Sparks fault that I didn’t like the movie. I bet if I would have waited to watch it, I would have stuck this book out.

Next book in the NYT best-selling experiment?

The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick

Which also happens to be a movie.

Let’s Talk: Do movies influence whether or not you read a book?

Friday Favorite: Top 5 Combos

Friday FavoritesEvery Sunday morning, my husband ventures out into the wide world to get us donuts and coffee.

He tweeted the other day that the two–donuts and coffee–are one of his top five favorite combinations.

Then he made the hashtag #Top5Combo, inviting others to share their favorites.

Here are mine….

  • my Bible and early morning silence
  • my boys and goofiness
  • a good book and a rainy day
  • diet coke and uninterrupted writing time
  • taco soup & a blustery winter evening

Let’s Talk: Share some of your favorite combos!

I’m sharing my publishing journey story on Married with Fiction today! If you’re interested in reading about how I landed an agent and a book deal, come check it out!

Happy Memorial Day & a Schedule Change

flagHappy Memorial Day! With a special shout out to all those courageous men and women who fight or have fought for our freedom here in America. God bless you!

This marks the beginning of summer.

Maybe not technically, since summer doesn’t officially begin until June 21st.

But in my world, and I suspect in many a people’s worlds, summer runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

So thus marks the beginning of my new summer schedule.

Why a new schedule?

Because who has time to stay indoors, writing (or reading, for that matter) blog posts, when there are sprinklers to run through and lightning bugs to chase and ice cream cones to enjoy? Not to mention, a new book to work on!

In an effort to free up some time, I will only be posting twice a week in these summer months.

Once on Monday, in which I will post on a slew of various topics, including but not limited to writing news, faith-related topics, adoption updates, and of course, romance.

And then once on Friday, in which I will continue on with my Friday Favorites.

There you have it. The new schedule.

Here’s to a fun-filled, fabulous summer!

Let’s Talk: Any fun summer plans?