Special Features

I’m totally that person who loves the special features on a DVD. If I like a movie, I will rewatch the entire thing just to hear the commentary.

Which is why I want to offer my readers these fun extras. If they fall in love with Wildflowers from Winter, I want to give them some surprises on my website.

Right now, I’m working on a page for my hero and heroine, titledย A Romance Blossoms.ย 

Only I can’t figure out what I should put on it. I have an inkling. But nothing is solid yet.

Which is why I need your help!ย 

Imagine you are reading a book or watching a movie. It’s romantic. And you completely fall in love with the hero and heroine. The story ends, only you’re sad. You want more. You want the experience to continue.

Let’s Talk:ย What special features would you love to see?

I’ll be with junior high students 24/7 this weekend and won’t get home until Sunday afternoon. I’m sure I’ll be too tired to write next week’s blog posts. Instead of taking the week off altogether, I thought it’d be fun to ask some questions. I hope you’ll jump in the conversation!

*photo by Dimitri N



18 thoughts on “Special Features

  1. I’ve read series books that followed couples from romance, marriage, problems, and children. It gives a more realistic view of life than just the HEA ending.

  2. Babies!!!! lol

    You’re sooo funny! I never, ever watch commentaries but I will check out the other features sometimes.

    Have fun with your website. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Patti Mallett

    I love commentaries, too. One of my favorites was for “Rachel Getting Married” and it upped my love of that movie after learning what went in to making it. I was especially interested in how the music was done (but I won’t tell and spoil it for anyone.) Anyway, I’d like to hear if and how you used music as inspiration. (I also love hearing about your process, such as the colored note cards.)

  4. Katie Ganshert

    You are all awesome!! I LOVE these ideas!! Now I have to figure out which ones will work! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. After Sense & Sensibility came out, Emma Thompson wrote a book about the making of the film. It was filled with funny anecdotes, insights, and other fun stuff.

    I love the director’s commentary, too. I have learned much about my favorite films from the commentaries.

    Just some thoughts…

    Hope you had a BLAST with the kids!! I spent a week last year on a mission trip with our Youth. Life changing….


  6. A glimpse into 15 years later as a couple!

  7. I love all of these. Funny character interviews and deleted scenes are my favorite. And YES with the pictures too. I obsessively keep pictures of all sorts of things while I’m writing, and I love to see other authors’ inspiration.

  8. The characters interviewing each other, maybe?? Love Beth’s suggestion of love notes/letters.

    (I’m the total behind the scenes DVD girl too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. What fun! I love the “scrapbook” idea – show their outfits, momentos, etc.

  10. Okay, this may sound silly, but assuming your characters will be getting married, you could do a wedding scrapbook type thing…write their vows…seriously, what girl doesn’t love to hear about weddings? Ooh, photos from the honeymoon…it could get fun…you could even have an online scrapbook where “guests” (your readers) could sign…

  11. What everyone else said! ๐Ÿ™‚ LOL Seriously. I was going to write several of the suggestions but they’ve already been stated and I’m in 100% agreement! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I’m with Jessica and Wendy! And I have such good memories of time spent with my junior highers. I just went to one of their weddings (they are now in their 20s, don’t worry!). I feel old.

    Happy Friday!

  13. I LOVE special features, too! I like deleted chapters, pictures of inspiration for characters/clothes/settings, notes on what was particularly hard or easy to write, how a certain idea came to you, maybe a video of the author talking about some of this stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope that helps!

  14. I love character interviews. Book blog readers love them, too. Even from “the bad guys”…

  15. Like Jessica mentioned…a “What Ever Happened to” commentary.

    Or Impressions friends had. Or a When Harry Met Sally video montage. Or…Oh, this is fun!
    ~ Wendy

  16. Deleted scenes!

  17. I like to see if they got married, had kids. A what are they doing now kind of thing! Also, 24/7 with junior highers? You got my prayers going up for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great time!

  18. Letters … love notes … something along that line.



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