Friday Favorites

Chin-Grabbers for Everyone: 

  • 10 Almost Reasons Why We’re Adopting by Kathy Buchanan

    I met Kathy in person recently and she’s wonderful. She and her husband are also adopting from Africa, so we made an immediate connection. A lot of their reasons for adopting are the same as ours.

    I love adoption blogs. So if there are any that you frequent, pretty please share a link in the comment section! 

  • The Things I Never Thought I’d Say by Kathy Buchanan.

    This post made me laugh on a day I really appreciated the laughter. Oh, the joys of parenthood. Our children can make us say some pretty bizarre things!

  • Do You Trust Me? No Really….Do You Trust Me? by Sarah Forgrave

    It’s so easy to pay God lip-service and say we trust Him, but do we really? Sarah gets to the practicality of the matter. What does trusting God really look like?

  • How I Got My Life Verse by Lindsay Harrel

    I love how God can meet a worried writer in the basement of a hotel. I think Lindsay’s life verse is one all of us could live by, regardless of profession or passion.  

  • Take a Trip with Jen Hatmaker

    Jen is one of my all-time favorite bloggers ever to grace the blogging world. Her posts always manage to be hilarious and poignant all at the same time. Anyway, she and several others are traveling to Haiti to love on the Haitian people. Here’s an opportunity for you to make a difference! 

Chin-Grabbers for Writers:

  • Making an Emotional Connection by Joe Moore on KillZone.

    If you’re readers are emotionally detached from your characters, then they are going to have a hard time turning those pages. Here are several practical tips for making your readers emotionally invested. 

  • Social Media Critiques Part 3 by Amanda Luedeke.

    When we think about critiques, we often think about our writing. But what if somebody could critique your cyber home? I found Amanda’s critiques interesting, informative, and they had me reflecting on my own website. 

 Let’s Talk: Any cares, concerns, or celebrations from the week? Have any blog posts or articles grabbed your attention?

Recently, I’ve been so gripped by God’s redemption. How He can take all our scars and hurts and ugly spots and produce something beautiful. It’s as if He’s pressing that powerful truth against my heart, whispering, “This is so important, Katie. For so many.”  If this is a message that speaks to your heart or makes your soul thirst, consider checking out the first three chapters of Wildflowers from Winter, or take a look at the amazing real-life stories of redemption in the Wildflowers from Winter blog tour.

If I haven’t already sent you a welcome packet, I would be delighted to do so! To sign up, just click on the button up top.