When people find out I’m an author and I write novels, they usually want to know how in the world I have the time.
I mean, I have a kid at home. I have a husband. We’re adopting (which is a time-consuming endeavor). I’m involved at church.
When do I have the time to sit down and write words?
Beth Vogt wrote a post a few weeks ago that featured a quote from Lucille Ball. “I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can.” And the post completely resonated.
Because THIS is why I have time.
There are so many things non-writing mama’s probably do that I just…..don’t.
I don’t iron.
I don’t garden.
I don’t dust unless absolutely necessary.
I don’t scrapbook.
I don’t volunteer at my son’s preschool.
I don’t do MOPS or other mommy-groups.
I don’t buy new blinds for my son’s room even though his have been broken for two months.
I don’t garage sale or refinish furniture or cook gourmet meals or go all-natural. We’re all about preservatives in this household.
I don’t keep a meticulous home or do cross fit (all the rage, I hear) or paint my nails or watch TV.
I do laugh and play with my child. I do love on my husband. I do make family dinners (even if it’s only grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and oven-cooked french fries). I do spend time with God. I do socialize on occasion. I do keep my house livable.
Realizing all the things I cannot do and accepting these limitations is why I can write novels.
Let’s Talk: What are some things you choose not to do? What do you do in place of them?
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