Baby Otters and God’s Love

Hey friends! It’s with great pleasure that I get to introduce you to my friend, Jill Kemerer. Jill’s endurance on this publishing journey has been an inspiration to many, including myself. Not only that, she’s funny and big-hearted and everything else that’s lovely. I hope you enjoy her encouraging words (and a wonderful reminder). Make sure to check out her debut novel at the bottom. It’s getting wonderful reviews! Take it away Jill . . .

Jill Kemerer

In December I came across a little book by Joyce Meyer. Good Health, Good Life was exactly what I needed. I’d let my exercise routine slide and slipped into poor eating habits. Needless to say, I gained several pounds! So I was reading Joyce Meyer’s book and I came across something so powerful, I sat back and pondered the words before reading it again.

“This is how we need to think about receiving God’s love. We need to be hungry for it and passionate about it. I encourage you to go after I, study it, and meditate on it. As you seek it eagerly, you will receive a life-changing revelation of God’s deep love in your heart.” ~ Joyce Meyer, Good Health, Good Life

One of the things I love about writing novels is sharing my Christian faith. It’s funny how God works—the spiritual truths my characters learn typically are things I unintentionally deal with while writing. In Small-Town Bachelor, my heroine Claire Sheffield thinks nothing of fostering young otter twins until their new home at the zoo is ready. She feeds them, plays with them and loves them without thought of what they can do for her.

(I have to admit, I really want otter twins in my backyard! They are so adorable!)

God loves us so much more than we could ever love our kitties, dogs or even otters. Sometimes that’s hard to believe. Bad things happen to us. We pray for relief. Then worse things happen! And we think, God must not love me. We equate the good times with God’s favor.

I’m the first person to whine and feel unloved when life doesn’t go my way. Ask any of my friends! They’ve heard me whimper and complain many times. But God promises to work everything together for our good. He tells us we will have trouble in this world. He never says the reason people have good health, riches and the hearts’ desires is because He loves them more or because they’re better somehow.

This year I’m taking Joyce Meyer’s advice and I’m praying for God to show me how much He loves me. I’m meditating on it, praying on it and trusting God’s goodness. Will you join me?

Thank you, Katie, for generously letting me be your guest today!


About Jill:

Jill Kemerer writes inspirational romance novels with love, humor and faith. A full time writer and homemaker, she relies on coffee and chocolate to keep up with her kids’ busy schedules.

Besides spoiling her mini-dachshund, Jill adores magazines, M&MS, fluffy animals and long nature walks. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two children. Jill loves connecting with readers, so please visit her website and find her on Facebook and Twitter.


Small-Town Bachelor

A Place to Call Home

When Reed Hamilton arrives in Lake Endwell for a family wedding, he expects to do his part as best man then head back to the big city. But when a tornado postpones the wedding, the town is in shambles and Reed is injured. Thankfully maid of honor Claire Sheffield offers him one of her cottages to recuperate in.

Dedicated to her family and her dream job at the zoo, Claire is all about roots. She’s this city slicker’s opposite, yet as they help the town rebuild, Reed is captivated by her stunning looks and caring ways. He can’t ask Claire to leave the life she loves for him, but he also can’t imagine ever leaving her behind…

Interested in buying Small-Town Bachelor? Click on for links to purchase!

A New Look and A New Adventure

new adventureHey friends! If you’re here, wondering what looks different, good eye! Thanks to my fabulous web designer, I did some redecorating.

I’m not completely finished, so it’s sort of like you’re coming over mid renovation. There are some tweaks I’ll be making and some things I’ll be adding over the next few weeks, so come back often to have a look around.

I figured the remodel was a long time coming. First, because my hairs got longer. And second, I really needed to get with the times and make my cyber home mobile friendly. So there you go. That’s me up there in that header. That’s what I’m looking like these days. Scratch that. Most days, I’m in sweats and without makeup. BUT! The hair is the right length.

You may have also noticed this whole K.E. Ganshert thing (it’s more obvious if you go to my home page). And under books? What is THAT!? Young Adult? I promise to share more about this new adventure soon (I’m crazy, giddy excited about it). For now, just know that it isn’t a typo. I am going to be coming out with some young adult fiction under the nom de plume, K.E. Ganshert (I know, super mysterious, right?). If you’d like to stay up-to-date on the latest (and be among the first to see cover art), please subscribe to my K.E. Ganshert mailing list.

Now to the newsletter sign up. Something else you may have noticed.

In the past, I’ve collected email addresses and sent out a welcome note and complimentary devotional. I’ve decided to forgo the welcome note and devotional and send out a quarterly newsletter instead. Each will include a message from my heart (whatever God’s putting there), a Bible verse that’s been ministering to me, a book recommendation, as well as any good deals/sales that I think my readers would like to know about. And, of course, pertinent book news (new releases, cover art, etc). There might be one or two other things. I haven’t fully decided yet. The first newsletter will go out in April. I’m pretty giddy about this, too! I think you should sign up. 🙂

Two more things really quick:

Have you heard of The Grove? It’s a new website/blog that I’m incredibly honored to be a part of. We’re all about finding our stories at The Grove. The real-life kind. Not the fictional kind. I shared about plot twists last Tuesday and my friend Beth Vogt shared about beginnings on Thursdays.  You should hop on over and say hello.

And if you have the time, I’d love your feedback on this very quick survey. My marketing director and I are trying to figure out which social media sites my readers like best. It’s a quick and easy survey, I promise, and the data will be of great help to us. Thanks in advance!

I believe that should cover it. Wishing you all a fabulous Monday!

What new adventures are YOU starting these days?

Join the Team!

book coversIt’s hard to believe folks, but a new release is fastly approaching. Usually, this is when I gather together a launch team to help spread the word about my upcoming release.

Well, this time around, I’m doing something a little different. Something a little more permanent.

Welcome to the Katie Ganshert Street Team application! (I know, the name is seriously lacking in creativity. We’re going to work on that, people. I promise.)

I am currently looking for 50 readers to join the team.

But first things first.

What exactly is this team?

So glad you asked. A street team is a group of readers who are ready and willing (and eager!) to get the word out on the street about my books. When I think of my street team, I think of my first readers, my inside circle, my front lines, my most enthusiastic fans.

Why do I need a street team?

Have you ever been inside a book store? Or tried perusing Amazon? Holy books, batman! Rising out of obscurity is no easy feat. My street team will play a critical role in creating that all-important buzz that is oh-so-very crucial when it comes to an author’s success.

What am I looking for in street team members?

Readers who have read my books, believe in my books, are excited about my books, and want to share that excitement with their sphere of influence. Enthusiasm (not just for books in general, but for Katie Ganshert books in particular) trumps all. Availability is important too!

What’s involved in such an endeavor?

As a street team member, you will receive free, advanced copies of all Katie Ganshert novels. Members are asked to read the book prior to release, then–if they like it (if you don’t like it, you aren’t required to do anything)–spread the word, as far and wide as possible!

Here are some ideas:

  • Write reviews for Amazon,, Goodreads, Novel Crossing, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, your local library’s website, or any other online review site.
  • Talk about the books on social media sites.
  • Blog about the books
  • Ask your local library to order a copy of the books.
  • Ask your local church library to order the books (or donate a copy).
  • If you’re part of a Bible study, MOPS, or any other group, tell them about the book.
  • Suggest my latest book to your book club, if applicable.
  • “Like” the book on Amazon.
  • Direct people to my website.
  • Write a review for your local newspaper.
  • Purchase copies to give away as Christmas and birthday gifts.
  • Pin the cover or other pictures from my website to Pinterest.
  • Share your favorite quotes from the book online. If you purchase an e-book, highlight your favorite quotes.
  • Suggest the book on reading forums, like those you can find on GoodReads.
  • Make a video about the book and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo

Members will receive periodic emails from me to keep up-to-date on the latest happenings. They will also be part of a super secret Katie Ganshert Street Team group on Facebook, where we can share ideas and get to know one another.

What do you get out of the deal?

Besides receiving free copies of my books and my undying gratitude, there are some added perks. Such as receiving the occasional free bonus book from my publisher. And being privy to insider information–including, but not limited to, being the first to see cover art, hear about new titles, read snippets of my early drafts, help me name characters, choose settings, and more!

If this sounds like a team you’d like to be part of, please fill out the form below: