Wishing on Willows Devotional: Loneliness


Excerpt from Book:

Most days she could handle the loneliness…But sometimes, like now, it grew too big to hold on her own.~Robin Price, Wishing on Willows


Perhaps you’ve lost a spouse, or a loved one has moved away, or all your friends are getting married and having babies while you do your best to smile from the sidelines. As hard as you try to fight it, the loneliness is there, in all its uncomfortable heaviness.

According to one of Webster’s definitions, loneliness means to be without company, cut off from others.

It’s a valid definition. I mean, who am I to argue with Webster?

However, I think most of us will agree that it’s possible, and even common, to feel loneliness in the midst of a crowd.

Because loneliness, above all else, is a feeling, and no matter if we’re shopping in a busy mall or sitting in church surrounded by fellow believers, we can feel cut off. I remember feeling that way my freshman year of college, on a campus filled with students.

Lonely. Homesick.

Those two feelings are awfully similar, aren’t they?

An empty ache in our chests. A yearning in our hearts. A slow-moving sadness of the soul.

How do we cure homesickness? We call home, of course.

I don’t think it’s any different for loneliness. We can sit beneath its heavy weight, or we can bring that weight to the One who knows how to lift it.

The next time loneliness threatens to take over, let’s get on our knees in prayer or soak in God’s promises that come from His word or sing hymns or listen to worship music or go on a walk to appreciate His creation. Let’s do whatever tunes our hearts to God’s presence and peace. Let’s let Him fill the empty ache.

No matter how lonely we might feel in this world that isn’t meant to be our home, we have a loving Father who promises eternal hope and joy and comfort for those who love Him.


Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! ~Psalm 42:11 (NLT)


Thank you, Lord, that you are bigger than our loneliness. Thank you for your faithfulness and your grace and your promise to always be there, especially when we feel alone.

If you’d like to purchase Wishing on Willows, please visit the book page for links to your favorite retailer!

8 thoughts on “Wishing on Willows Devotional: Loneliness

  1. I really needed to hear this. In fact, I’ve been needing to hear it for a year now.
    Thank you so much. 🙂

  2. Ganise

    Deep. Thank you, Katie.

  3. Jackie Tessnair

    Thanks for sharing…needed this today.

  4. I SO needed this today. Thank you!!!

  5. Amyc

    Thank you, Katie!

  6. Jess K

    Wow, did I need to hear this today! Thank you!!!

  7. You have such a way with words, Katie. Love your devotionals.

    1. Thank you Julie!


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