The Art of Losing Yourself Book Club

The Art of Losing Yourself Book Club

Discussion Questions:

  • Whose story did you enjoy more—Carmen or Gracie’s? Why?
  • This novel was inspired by the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel. A couple times throughout the story, Carmen feels like she’s nothing more than dry bones. Have you ever felt this way? Has God ever resuscitated an area of your life you thought was past the point of resuscitation? Share with the group.
  • Carmen suffers from a recurring nightmare that changes slightly each time. How does the nightmare start? How does it change? What shocking thing happens in the last nightmare? How do these nightmares reflect Carmen’s waking hours? Can you relate? How so?
  • At the end of the novel, Carmen wonders at what point coincidence stops being coincidence. Do you believe in coincidence? Why or why not?
  • Ben describes a process called wedging, wherein clay must be broken apart and kneaded back together in order to survive the kiln. How might this analogy relate to Carmen and Gracie’s life? What about your own?
  • Entropy is the gradual decline into disorder, the idea that without regular upkeep, things fall into disrepair. What things in this story suffer the effects of entropy? In what ways do you combat entropy in your own life?
  • Carmen believed that a baby would solve her problems. Do you think this is realistic? Why or why not? Have you ever fallen into this same way of thinking? Please share with the group.
  • Gracie and Carmen cope very differently with their mother’s alcoholism. How did Carmen cope? How did Gracie cope? How did their experience shape who they are as the story opens?
  • Carmen fell into the trap of thinking God owed her for good behavior, that He was intentionally withholding something good from her life. Has there ever been a point in your life when you felt the same sense of entitlement? Do you think God intentionally withholds good things from our lives?
  • Who is your favorite secondary character? Why?
  • Gracie calls Carmen a hypocrite. In what ways is Carmen hypocritical throughout the novel? How does social media play into Carmen’s struggles? Do you feel like the person you project to the world is an honest depiction of who you really are? How can we get better at being real?
  • In what ways do Gracie and Carmen help each other throughout the novel? Whom do you think ends up being the most helpful?
  • The title of this novel is The Art of Losing Yourself. What do you think it means? How do various characters lose themselves throughout this story?