Facebook Fun

Facebook Fun

I love chatting with readers on my Facebook author page!

It’s a great place to share fun news and get acquainted.

Here’s what you’ll find:

Every Tuesday, I ask a question–sometimes lighthearted, sometimes serious–in hopes of starting a conversation and getting to know you better.


Every Thursday, I practice thanksgiving. Sometimes, I get so swept up in my dreams and goals and strivings, that I forget about the blessings right in front of my face. I want to foster a heart of gratitude. So join me on Thankful Thursday and tell me what you’re thankful for! 


Every Sunday, I share a Bible verse that I’ve been meditating on throughout the week. I want to get better at not just reading the Bible, but digesting it. I hope you’ll share what you’ve been meditating on as well! 


Beyond that, I post links to blog posts, fun updates, pictures, and share other random stuff I think is funny or interesting.

If you’re on Facebook, I’d love to connect with you on my author page. Please give it a “Like” and join in the conversation! 

Katie Ganshert