Writer’s Corner

Do you love to write? Do you dream about being published? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Seven is my favorite number, so let’s do it this way….

1  Stop Shop for All my Posts on Writing

2  Paths to Consider

  • Traditional Publication
    • This has its benefits and its drawbacks. Make sure to do your research!
  • Self Publication
    • This has its benefits and its drawbacks. Make sure to do your research! (Is there an echo in here?)

3  Craft Concepts that Took My Writing to the Next Level

4  Super Helpful Industry Blogs

5  Facts that Might Make you Smile

  • The first time I submitted my work for a professional critique, it was torn to shreds. Ever heard of head hopping? Yeah, apparently, I was so bad at this, that at one point in the novel, I hopped into the dog’s head.
  • Of all the contests I entered (and I entered my fair share), I only finaled in one and I’m pretty sure it was me and six other participants.
  • Right after finishing my 3rd novel, I read a blog post from a very reputable agent who listed three ideas writers should avoid: inheritance stories, ranch/farm stories, mother/daughter stories. This particular agent said these stories are way overdone (aka, cliche) and will have an almost zero chance of getting published. My third novel has an inheritance, a farm, and explores a mother/daughter relationship. My third novel also happens to be my debut. It hits shelves this May.
  • I made all the newbie mistakes with my first novel. I did the whole uber-paranoid thing and paid to have the story copyrighted, then went on to inform the agents and editors I submitted to that the story was copyrighted. I also paid to have it put up on some online site that agents and editors really never check (even though the site claims they do) and instead of putting up the first fifteen pages like you’re supposed to, I slapped up some random pages from the middle of my book.
  • Most days, I still don’t really know what I’m doing. I try my best. I make mistakes. I stick my foot in my mouth. I struggle with my writing. I battle doubt. I battle fear. I battle insecurity. I battle with the unknown. I wait for something to happen. I try to squeeze in the time. I daydream about the possibilities. I get on my knees. I surrender my hopes. And I trust in Him.

6  Must-Read Books for Writers

  • Techniques for the Selling Writer by Dwight Swain
  • Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell
  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King
  • Goal, Motivation, Conflict by Debra Dixon (this is only available through her website)
  • Are You There Blog, It’s Me, Writer by Kristen Lamb
  • Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Donald Maass

7  Things That Will Help Advance Your Career 

  • Devour craft books
  • Find critique partners or groups
  • Enter contests (despite the outcome, the feedback is invaluable)
  • Join an organization (if you write for the Christian market, may I recommend American Christian Fiction Writers?)
  • Persevere through the rejections and keep on writing
  • Save up the money and go to a writing conference
  • Write yourself a vision statement