An October Bride Book Club

An October Bride Book Club

Discussion Questions:

  • In the beginning of the story, Emma finds her dad’s bucket list. What are some things you would write on your own bucket list?
  • Jake knows what it’s like to live with regret. Do you have any regrets in your life? Have you ever done something out of your comfort zone in order to avoid having regrets?
  • Emma saw her and Jake’s “engagement” as a morally gray area. Do you agree? If you were in Emma’s position, would you have done what she did? Of all the characters in An October Bride, who’s reaction to the fake engagement did you relate to the most?
  • Halfway through the novel, Emma decides to enter completely into the fantasy world she is currently living in. Have you ever lived in denial about something in your life? What happened to finally make you face reality?
  • Emma has a lot of special relationships in this novel—her relationship with Jake, her relationship with Lily, and her relationship with her dad and her mom. Which relationship did you enjoy the most? What are some relationships you have in your own life?
  • There are a lot of quirky secondary characters in this story. Which one was your favorite?